My memories about my Dad.
Created by Emma 12 years ago
Simon Watson, 45, was killed on his way to work on 17th Sept 2007 whilst riding his ‘baby’ his Yamaha R1. We never got to say goodbye. The car that killed him never even saw him.
It still feels like it happened only yesterday.
He was a great man who gave so much time to everybody.
Chairman of our local swimming club he inspired the swimmers to give their all and to succeed, a gala is held annually in his memory and the proceeds donated to Brake.
Father of three Simon cared very much for his children and taught them so much, our worlds have changed beyond recognition since that fateful day.
He was kind, loving, sharing.
A fantastic husband, father, brother, uncle and friend.
He is still missed each and every day.
Still can’t find a reason why.